Prayer Requests (Español)

You can easily create a Prayer Requests custom collection, in four  steps.
This page is specifically written to display the forms in Español.  Need the English version? 

1) Create a custom collection
2) Create a Form in the Forms collection to match the Custom Collection
3) Create a Prayer Request page, and add in page content and  code (we'll show you how)
4) Fill out the form (for testing), export the Prayer Form data to the  Prayer Collection.

Step 1) Create a custom collection (  )

Go to Settings -> Custom Collection, and add a custom collection.

Note: it is important that you use these exact field types and names so that the import and the code below will function properly.

A) Form Title: Prayer Requests
B) Add a new Name field and title it "Nombre"
C) Add an Email field and title it "Correo Electrónico"
D) Add  Date field and title it "Fecha"
E) Add a Drop-down field with the title "Categoría" and copy and paste these into the drop-down options: 
F) Add a Short Answer field and title it "Título"
G) Add Paragraph field and title it "Petición"
H) Add a Yes/No toggle field and title it "Hazlo Público"

Before you save the form, you'll need to enter some data into the "Settings" tab:
A) HTML Identifier: requests
B) Icon: your choice. I suggest: glyphicons-fire
D) Singular name: Request
E) Title Field: None
F) Featured image field: None
G) API Access: none

Now, you can save the custom collection. Notice you will also see this custom collection in your Admin sidebar. Find the new option and select it to go to the collection.

Step 2) Create a Form in the Forms Collection ( )

Note: it is important that you use these exact field types and names so that the import and the code below will function properly.

A) Form Title: Prayer Requests
B) Add a new Name field and title it "Nombre"
C) Add an Email field and title it "Correo Electrónico"
D) Add  Date field and title it "Fecha"
E) Add a Drop-down field with the title "Categoría" and copy and paste these into the drop-down options: 
F) Add a Short Answer field and title it "Título"
G) Add Paragraph field and title it "Petición"
H) Add a Yes/No toggle field and title it "Hazlo Público"
I) Click the "Advanced" tab in the upper right corner and add in your prayer team members in the "Email Notification" section.
Note: Members that are not available in the "notification" list will need to be added as a website user (any level).

Step 3) Create a Prayer Request page and add in the  page content and code

Now, decide where you want the Prayer Request page to be and create it if it doesn't already exist or edit it if it already exist.  Complete the next steps, A-G.

A) Add a new page.
B) Choose the "Page" page type.
C) Select the template you want to use for the display page.
D) Add your Title.
E) Copy and paste the following Content and reword for your needs. We inserted  a Column Block (set to 2 columns):

Welcome to our prayer page!

Do you have a concern for which you would like us to join you in prayer? You may share your request with us by filling out the submission form.

Our Prayer Ministry Team will pray over each and every request!

If you wish to make the request public be sure to check the "Make Public" check box. This will allow others to also pray for your request. If you do not want your request to be public, simply set this option to "No" and it will only be viewed by our prayer team.

We reserve the right to not publish some requests. Requests that are too graphic or identify other people through the information or circumstances may be edited before posting for the public or not posted at all.

It is a pleasure for the members of our team to pray for every request whether it is public or private!

Add a Form Block and choose the "Prayer Request"
form that you created earlier.

 F) Below the columns add in an HTML Block. Copy and  paste the following code into the HTML Block:

table, th, td {
    border: 1px solid grey;
    border-collapse: collapse;
<table style="width:100%">
{% for requests in su.collection( "requests" ).sort( "requests.fecha" ) %}
	{% if requests.makePublic("Yes") %}
			<td>{{ requests.nombre.first }} {{ requests.nombre.last }}</td>
			<td>{{ requests.fecha }}</td>
			<td>{{ requests.categorA }}</td>
			<td>{{ requests.tTulo }}</td>
			<td>{{ requests.peticiN }}</td>
	{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

G) Publish your new page.

4) Add a prayer request into your collection ( )

Now it is time to see how this all fits together.
A) On your new Prayer Request page fill out the prayer request form be sure to mark the "Make Public" to yes. 
B) Once submitted,  Go to Forms ( ) in the dark gray Admin bar on the left side of your screen and select the "View Responses" button on the  Prayer Requests line.
C) You may view each response and delete any if needed by selecting the "View" button.
D) Next , press the "Copy to Collection" button.
       1) Select the "Prayer Requests" collection.
       2) Next choose to copy just the new requests "Not yet copied" or "All records" including any duplicates.
       3)  Click the blue "Next Button and be sure that all the fields are correctly labeled.
       4) Finally, click the blue "Copy Data" button.
At this point all the submitted prayer requests  that are marked "Make Public" will show on your prayer request page of your website. Any request marked No for "Make Public" will not display for the public.

To process all future prayer requests follow these steps:

A) Once submitted,  Go to Forms ( ) in the dark gray Admin bar on the left side of your screen and select the "View Responses" button on the  Prayer Requests line.
B) You may view each response and delete any if needed by selecting the "View" button.
C) Next , press the "Copy to Collection" button.
       1) Select the "Prayer Requests" collection.
       2) Next choose to copy just the new requests "Not yet copied" or "All records" including any duplicates.
       3)  Click the blue "Next Button and be sure that all the fields are correctly labeled.
       4) Finally, click the blue "Copy Data" button.
