Adding Images

Insert and Edit Images

Adding an image to a page and editing it on your website is easy.  Here is how to do it:

Adding Images

  1. Navigate to the page where you want to add an image and click the Edit link at the top of the page. 
  2. In the content on this page, click that spot where you want the image to be inserted.
  3. The Add Block icon will show next to where you just clicked. Press this button.
  4. The computer or device files will display. navigate to and select the image you want to add. Your image will be inserted into the page.

Edit an Image

Once an image has been added to a page it can be edited to change it's Size, Justification, Rotation, and even its Aspect Ratio.  Here is how:

  1. Click the Edit link at the top of the page on the blue admin bar. 
  2. Click on the image you wish to edit.
  3. To change the size of the image click the size icon button and select the size you want.
  4. To change the justification, select the left, right, or center justification button of choice.
  5. For further edits, select the edit pencil icon.
    • Rotate an image by clicking on either the counter-clockwise or clockwise ( , &  ).
    •  Adjust the aspect ratio by selecting one of the preset ratios (16:9, 3:2, 4:3, 1:1, 3:4, or 2:3) or crop an image using the Free option
    •  Add a Caption by typing it into the Caption box and setting the Show Caption to On (setting it to off hides the Caption).
    • Add a link to a page of your website.  When you start typing, the system will display options. Select the page from the list.  Link to another website by typing out (or pasting in) the full website address
    • Save will save the work you've done to the image.
  6. Publish the page to make it visible to everyone.

Image Release Statement and Form

Do you need one? 

An image release form is required when the image (of a person or persons) will be used specifically for advertising and promoting purposes. If the persons in the photo are the focus of the image to help sell the product, promote a ministry, or advertise for a special upcoming event, you definitely need an image release form (see below).

Here is the statement from the Office of General Council – General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

“Recognizable images of individuals that will be used on Adventist Church Connect or Adventist School Connect sites may only be used after obtaining the written authorization of the subject. If you would like to include images of individuals on your site, please download a copy of the NAD Image Release form and have it signed by the subject in the image, or if the individual is a minor, by the minor’s legal guardian before posting the image. Releases are generally not required for newsworthy criticism or comment; however if you are not a professional used to making such judgments, we would advise you to seek legal counsel in order to avoid copyright infringement or invasion of privacy claims. Releases are also not generally required from people who are identifiable in a photo of a street or public place as long as the photograph is related to the subject matter of the article AND the identifiable people are NOT the focus of the photo.”

We’ve created an Image Release for you to use. Simply open the PDF, type in the missing information, and print it.

» Click here to download the Image Release Form
